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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Using science, technology, innovation and partnerships to accelerate development outcomes: Identifying priorities for new evidence generation and synthesis
Using search narratives to explain literature search strategies: a worked example
Using simple microsimulation to estimate risk difference from a meta-analysis
Using social media and crowdsourcing to gather important publications for a scoping review about wikis and collaborative writing tools
Using social media as evidence in an Evidence Gap Map on Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome: Challenges and considerations
Using social media for effective communication
Using social media for effective communication with Cochrane stakeholders
Using social media for effective communication with Cochrane stakeholders
Using social media for effective communication with Cochrane stakeholders
Using social media platforms to disseminate Cochrane evidence in China
Using social media to disseminate translated Cochrane evidence and to promote high-quality health information in non-English speaking regions
Using SWIFT-Active Screener to reduce the expense of evidence-based toxicology
Using SWIFT-Active Screener to reduce the expense of evidence-based toxicology
Using systematic review methods to assess the evidence on performance of measurement instruments in wound care
Using systematic reviews and prescribing data to analyse off-label drugs use: the case of antiemetics for gastroenteritis in children
Using systematic reviews to derive science-based products for HIV prevention
Using systematic reviews to formulate research recommendations
Using systematic reviews to identify the essential components of interventions: the example of parenting
Using systematic reviews to inform evidence on acceptability, feasibility, and equity in Evidence to Decision frameworks
Using systematic reviews to make decisions about research: moving beyond health science
Using systematic reviews to study adverse drug reactions: The example of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Using systematically synthesised evidence to inform the funding of new clinical trials - the UK Medical Research Council approach
Using technology to make the Evidence Ecosystem more efficient and effective: global collaborations for interoperability
Using text mining technologies can reduce screening workload in systematic reviews in practice as well as in theory
Using text mining to facilitate policy relevant systematic reviews
Using text-mining to develop a U.S.-specific geographic search filter to facilitate systematic reviews in Ovid MEDLINE
Using the adjusted indirect comparison in a Health Technology Assessment (HTA): clopidogrel versus modified-release dipyridamole
Using the AMSTAR checklist for network meta-analysis: does it fit?
Using the AMSTAR checklist for rapid reviews – does it fit?
Using the capture-recapture technique in systematic literature searches
Using the Cochrane community site to support Cochrane work
Using the Cochrane Controlled Clinical Trials Register (CENTRAL) to Identify Clinical Trials in Selected Medical Fields
Using the Cochrane RCT 'Risk of bias' tool in systematic reviews
Using the Cochrane Register of Studies to identify the evidence gaps in Cochrane systematic reviews
Using the Cochrane Register of Studies to studify your Specialised Register
Using the Cochrane risk of bias tool in systematic reviews
Using the consultation and scoping process to inform the ‘Implications for research’ section: an example from a suite of Cochrane Reviews on chronic suppurative otitis media
Using the Delphi method to construct a system for grading the quality of evidence for public health decision-making
Using the findings of 'views' studies to explore the findings of effectiveness studies in systematic reviews
Using the Global Burden of Disease database to inform priority setting
Using the Global Burden of Disease database to inform priority setting decisions
Using the GRADE approach to develop guidelines in low income countries: views of guideline panelists in Kenya
Using the GRADE approach to network meta-analysis
Using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations approach to report the conclusions in a non-inferiority randomized clinical trial.
Using the Medical Research Council framework for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of complex interventions to identify and develop strategies to promote effective professional practice
Using the new Cochrane Style Guide
Using the new online GRADEpro to create 'Summary of findings' tables
Using the new online GRADEpro to create summary of findings tables ***in computer lab; no need for personal laptops
Using the new online software, GDT, to create 'Summary of findings' tables
Using the online GRADEpro to create 'Summary of findings' tables
Using the online GRADEpro to create 'Summary of findings' tables (in Spanish)
Using the online GRADEpro to create 'Summary of findings’ tables and patient-friendly tools
Using the results of a qualitative systematic review for quantitative instrument validation
Using the results of systematic reviews, overviews of systematic reviews, and network meta-analyses to inform clinical practice guideline recommendations
Using the RobotAnalyst text-mining application to boost efficiency of literature screening: experience from a systematic review in health services research
Using the smallest worthwhile difference to interpret clinical evidence
Using the TRANSFER framework for assessing transferability of review findings – a case study
Using the Vote Cards to Encourage Active Participation and to Improve Critical Appraisal Skills in Evidence-Based Medicine Journal Clubs
Using theory of change to assess impact of knowledge translation initiatives
Using Theory of Change to Assess Impact of Knowledge Translation Initiatives
Using theory to guide synthesis of qualitative research: why, how and what would this mean for me?
Using theory to inform evidence synthesis : a case study of school accountability systematic review in developing countries
Using workflow reports in Archie to evaluate and improve Cochrane Review Group editorial processes
Using workflows in Archie
Utilising Cochrane reviews in clinical guideline development
Utility of machine learning to identify research for updating a systematic map of evaluations of public health interventions within community pharmacies
Utilization analysis of Chinese abstract of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in three university hospitals
Utilization of artificial intelligence in emerging infectious diseases: a scoping review
Utilization of global policy and evidence in a lower-middle-income country: Omnibus Health Guidelines development
Utilization of LILACS in Cochrane Systematic Reviews Released in 2023
Utilization of online database for medical information: a nationwide survey of physicians at regional hospitals in Taiwan
Utilization of trial registry records and randomized controlled trial study protocols in Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions: a content analysis
Utilization, impact and barriers to use the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: survey on Chilean post graduate medical students
Utilizing a logic model framework to evaluate patient navigation interventions on colorectal cancer screening time to diagnostic follow-up care: a study protocol
Utilizing an Academic Practice Partnership to Support the Nursing Strategic Plan for Recruiting Nurse Graduates to Adult Medical-Surgical Units
Utilizing evidence of Cochrane in decision making by policy makers: Gaps needs to be filled
Vaccine efficacy/effectiveness: Calculation, visualization, and interpretation based on an exemplary systematic review on COVID-19 vaccination in children
Validate the clinical practice guideline of acupuncture-related treatments for mitigating functional constipation
Validating Cochrane Neonatal’s standard search databases: Is it okay to stop searching Embase?
Validating prognosis search filters using relative recall based on prognosis systematic reviews
Validation and application of a systematic review and narrative synthesis within mental health services research
Validation of a consumer-facing Australian Living Guideline for the Pharmacological Management of Inflammatory Arthritis
Validation of a PubMed search filter for identifying studies including children
Validation of a quality assessment checklist for case series studies
Validation of a questionnaire to measure people’s ability to assess claims about treatment effects in Spanish
Validation of five search filters for retrieving clinical guidelines showed low precision
Validation of the EBP process assessment scale (EBPPAS): a scale to measure practitioners views about evidence-based practice
Validation of the Spanish version of the Risk of Bias in Systematic Reviews (ROBIS) tool
Validity of Health Technology Assessements(HTA)
Validity of patient-reported data collected through mobile application in a first paediatric at-home study
Value of infographics in communicating Cochrane plain language summaries
Values and preferences for colorectal cancer diagnosis outcomes: a systematic review
Values and preferences in asthma patients for health care decision making: a systematic literature review.
Values and preferences in national and international COVID-19 public health guidelines: a systematic review
Values-based health care: A content analysis study of Culture, Communication, Capacity and Collaboration in published implementation reports.
Variability and completeness of outcome reporting in studies for low back pain rehabilitation interventions: a survey of trials included in Cochrane Reviews
Variability of outcome measures among trials of topical Chinese herbal medicines for musculoskeletal injuries
Variability of relative treatment effect among populations with low, moderate and high baseline risk: A meta-epidemiological study
Variation among experienced reviewers in the interpretation of the evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
Variation in defining and reporting chronic postsurgical pain following breast cancer surgery: a systematic survey of 188 observational studies
Variation in definition and measurement of primary outcomes in Cochrane systematic reviews of pharmacological treatment of stable COPD
Variation in outcome measure usage across Cochrane Systematic Reviews related to three common eye conditions
Variations between trials of the effect of chemotherapy: an exploratory analysis of the meta-analysis of chemotherapy in head and neck carcinoma data
Variations in approaches to mixed methods review: a case study
Verification of conflicts of interest disclosures in health research: a conceptual analysis
Verification of the accuracy and completeness of disclosures of Conflict of Interest in the medical literature: a systematic survey
Video Plain Language Summaries for public involvement in evidence synthesis: improving knowledge dissemination
Videos to improve Portuguese translations of Cochrane abstracts and Plain language summaries: preliminary results of the Brazilian Quality Project
Views towards publishing protocols for systematic reviews as peer-reviewed articles: an international survey of authors of non-Cochrane systematic reviews
Village doctors’ preparedness for future pandemics: evidence from a survey in Gansu province, China
Vinca alkaloid containing regimen for advanced breast cancer
VIP (Very Integrated Program) Project on alcohol and drug abusers in Southern Sweden - RCT of efficacy of the adding the health promotion and rehabilitation for treatment of alcohol and drug abusers
Virtual reality environments (VRE) for pre-and post- registration health professional education
Virtual versus in-person format for guideline panel meetings: a qualitative study
Virtual wards for people with frailty: a rapid realist review and its impact on UK policy and practice
Vision 2020, The right to sight
Visitor-determined website improvement: combining survey and log results on
Visual summaries to increase accessibility and understanding of Cochrane Review evidence
Visual-storytelling tools for evidence translation and use
Visualisation study on research in the field of public health published in the Cochrane Library
Visualising systematic review search strategies to assist information specialists
Visualization analysis of the research front and hot domains of based-evidence research in the Global Evidence Summit
Visualization of evidence based medicine development
Vitamin A given to children with measles - Does dose make a difference?
Vitamin D analogues in the prevention of axial and appendicular fractures: report of a meta-analysis
Voices of Cochrane authors: a review of Cochrane podcasts from 2014 to 2018
Volatile anesthetics versus total intravenous anesthesia in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: An updated meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized controlled trials
Volunteer initiative in war-torn Syria to translate Cochrane Blogshots
Waiting list may be a ‘nocebo’ condition in psychotherapy trials
Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre: a bespoke evidence review process engaging stakeholders for supporting time-sensitive policy and clinical decision-making
Warnings for serious adverse events in drug labelling: Are same-class drugs treated the same?
Waste in research? Exploring overlaps in systematic reviews on exercise for depression in children and adolescents
Ways to ensure evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are of high quality
Web searching for systematic reviews: how to develop the current guidance on methods and reporting standards
Web-based training packages to enhance evidence-informed policy-making for health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Web-based virtual collaborative workspace to support development of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines
WeCancer: a self-tracking platform for both oncology patients and physicians to allow standardised treatment
Weight of evidence and reliability of meta-analysis
Were meta-analyses of etiological studies of high methodological qualities?
Were the outcomes reported in systematic reviews stated in protocols? A systematic review
What action when there is no evidence?
What are the barriers preventing authors from reading written instructions?
What are the barriers to, and facilitators of, implementing and receiving MHPSS programmes delivered to populations affected by humanitarian emergencies? A qualitative evidence synthesis
What are the characteristics of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of depression?
What are the characteristics of good reviews of adverse effects? A qualitative exploration
What are the most efficient approaches to designing a systematic search strategy: a systematic review
What are the opportunities for co-production in living evidence synthesis?
What are the principles for the use of AI/ML in evidence syntheses?
What are the reporting and methodological qualities of network meta-analysis?
What Blocks the Production of Cochrane Reviews in China?
What can a trial registry do for you? The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry: a resource for Cochrane authors
What can be learned on synthesizing evidence on deimplementation of low-value health care practices: an overview of reviews
What can evidence-based education and healthcare learn from each other?
What can The Cochrane Collaboration do to support people living in developing countries? A survey
What can we change through social media? Learning from sharing experience and evidence on sexual problems
What can we learn from Chinese randomized controlled trials? A systematic review of Chinese venlafaxine studies
What certainty can there be on how much treatments Work: empirical insight from recursive cumulative meta-analyses
What characteristics classify 'experience' with data abstraction?
What could be expected from systematic reviews on individual patient data? Examples from hypertension treatment
What criteria exist to justify evidence claims? A cross-disciplinary scoping map
What determinants of public health research activity contextualise embedded researcher roles? A qualitative investigation in English local government
What difference does patient and public involvement make to evidence synthesis?
What dissemination bias really means and how we can tackle it
What do authors of Cochrane reviews mean by the term 'older' people?
What do clinicians understand and how do they interpret results from network meta-analysis and the way they are presented?
What do Cochrane Systematic Reviews say about conservative and surgical treatment interventions in the treatment of rotator cuff disease?
What do Cochrane Systematic Reviews say about telemedicine on healthcare?
What do consumers think should be reported about consumer involvement in research?
What do funders do to minimize waste in research?
What do journals' author instructions state on search methods for systematic reviews: from evidence to implementation
What do patients and physicians want at the point of care? Preliminary surveys in China
What do patients and their caregivers value on self-management interventions for chronic conditions? A scoping review of systematic reviews for the COMPAR-EU project
What do test-treat trials measure?
What do we know about interpretation and application of test accuracy measures?
What do you mean there's no mean?
What do you mean? Collated consumer feedback on Cochrane reviews and protocols on topics in pregnancy
What does good co-production in evidence synthesis look and feel like?
What does it mean? Plain language summaries of advice on health technologies
What evidence based information do psychologists need?
A Belgian perspective
What evidence is available and what is required, in humanitarian assistance?
What factors predict original research citation rates? Analysis of media reports, editorials, guidelines and reviews of Rituximab for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL; 1997-2003)
What German hospital pharmacists want to know: cross-sectional survey on information behaviour and information needs
What guidance is available for researchers conducting overviews of reviews? a scoping review and qualitative metasummary
What happens after the HTA analysis? A follow-up study of regional HTA reports conducted 2007-2015
What Happens When the Evidence Is Not There?: The Contribution of Systematic Review Methodology to Future Research
What happens when you take the Cochrane methodology and apply it to non-clinical literature?
What if EPOC reviews only included studies from MEDLINE?
What influences clinical decision-making in China? A scoping review
What information resources are searched to prepare systematic reviews of economic evaluations?
What is a good PICO-Question? Bringing together perspectives of guideline developers and authors of systematic reviews
What is a meta-epidemiological study? Analysis of published literature showed heterogeneous study designs and definitions
What is a rapid review?
What is being published? A word cloud of titles from The Cochrane Library
What Is Going on in the Future For Evidence-Informed Health Policy-Making?
What is Needed to Make Guidelines Computable?: A consensus-development exercise
What is the current situation of the published N-of-1 trial?
What is the definition of "evidence" in Health Sciences?
What is the effect of phasing out long-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on the concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids and their precursors in the environment?
What is the evidence for collaborative approaches between service users and community mental health nurses to identify and support survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) using a rapid review approach?
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