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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Where do systematic reviews in health policy and systems research search for studies?
Where does economics fit in? A review of economics in Cochrane Reviews
Where to identify information on adverse effects for a systematic review: a methodological overview
Where to look for studies to include in EPOC reviews
Whether prospective registration can improve the overall reporting and methodological quality of systematic reviews: a comparative meta-epidemiological study
Which coding system for therapeutic information
Which Electronic Resources Should be Searched to Identify RCTs for Systematic Reviews: A Systematic Overview of the Literature
Which information sources should be used to identify studies for systematic reviews of economic evaluations?
Which is more generalizable, powerful and interpretable in meta-analyses, mean difference (MD) or standardized mean difference (SMD)?
Which journals have cited Cochrane Systematic Reviews?
Which knowledge synthesis method can be used to answer research questions of complex evidence?
Which literature retrieval method is most effective? Teaching the Index Medicus/Medline in post-graduate courses for family physicians
Which meta-analysis model best fits my diagnostic test data? Use of model fit statistics
Which Review Group does this title belong to?
Which summary measure of treatment effectiveness in meta-analysis is the most externally applicable, odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference?
Who do Cochrane Reviewers Believe They are Writing for?
WHO environmental and occupational health guidelines: 8 challenges
WHO Essential Medicines List as a priority setting method based on country needs to orient (rapid) Cochrane evidence syntheses
Who is listening? A qualitative study of Cochrane podcast users
Who is responsible for considering how contextual factors affect healthcare interventions: reviewers, end users of reviews or both?
Who is responsible for developing patient guidelines?
Who is using The Cochrane Library? Usage statistics of Wiley InterScience
Who should benefit from screening? Are we using the right denominator?
Who uses The Cochrane Library? Data from two online surveys of users of The Cochrane Library on the Wiley InterScience platform
Who wants to be a meta-analyst: The Second Annual Game Show Edition
Who wants to be a meta-analyst?
WHO-ISH (World Health Organisation and International Society of Hypertension) Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration: a register of trials for the conduct of overviews
Who, why, what, where & when – questions about usage of The Cochrane Library
Why 196 Cochrane Systematic Reviews were withdrawn in Cochrane Database of systematic review?
Why a Cochrane Diet and Nutrition Sub-Field?
Why an overhaul of randomized controlled trials concerning women’s health is in demand. A checklist to assess the integrity of research
Why and when children are different: Guidance on appropriate inclusion of child health data in systematic reviews
Why are most Cochrane perinatal reviews inconclusive and what needs to be done?
Why conducting one if you can conduct 82 (living) reviews?
Why did the patient have the test? Considering the clinical pathway and intended role of a test on diagnostic accuracy
Why disguise adverse events?
Why do Cochrane Reviews have fewer citations than systematic reviews from journals with high impact factors?
Why do diagnostic tests differ in performance between different settings?
Why do healthcare professionals use eTG complete instead of clinical practice guidelines when making prescribing decisions?
Why do Systematic Reviewers Choose Paper over Electronic (Cochrane) Publication?
Why don’t GPs follow guidelines? Increasing our understanding of complex interventions by combining qualitative and quantitative reviews
Why should we translate Cochrane Reviews into French?
Why so many 'RCTs' were false? A further investigation about ethics review status of the 'RCTs' published in Chinese journals
Why systematic review production and update processes are resource intensive: a phenomenological qualitative study protocol
Why we need a new Cochrane Thematic Group on Person-centred care, Health Systems and Public Health
Why were they missed? Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) identified through the MEDLINE Retagging Project but not the US National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Wikipedia and crowd sourcing: Improving health information for the public
Wikipedia meets Cochrane: working to get better evidence into mass use
Wikipedia: An important dissemination tool for Cochrane
WikiRecs and BMJ RapidRecs: rapid and trustworthy recommendations that provide ingredients and tools for shared decision making
WikiRecs: rapid creation and dissemination of evidence summaries and trustworthy recommendations to point of care
Wikis and collaborative writing applications in healthcare: results of a scoping review
Will notification that the journal does not require authors to pay to publish encourage them to submit to a subscription-based journal? A randomized study
Will web search engines replace bibliographic databases? Review
Will you fund my idea? A retrospective look at public nominations to the AHRQ EPC Program.
Willingness to share individual participant data, and barriers and facilitators to data sharing: a retrospective cohort study and cross-sectional survey
Withdrawals of Cochrane systematic reviews: a description of reasons
Women's experiences of termination of pregnancy for foetal anomaly: A qualitative systematic review
Women’s preferences for surgical treatments of urinary incontinence: a discrete choice experiment
Word frequency analysis of over a million words to support the development of search strategies on 'health-related values'
Wording GRADEd evidence statements and recommendations
Work conditioning, work hardening and functional restoration for workers with back and neck pain (Cochrane Review)
Workforce training in evidence-informed decision making
Working in partnership with people in the developing world
Working in partnership with stakeholders to update a priority Cochrane Review: implementation and evaluation
Working in partnership with the WHO to provide timely evidence on causes of maternal death
Working together to prioritise and synthesise evidence about promising alternative models of healthcare delivery for a more sustainable health system
Working with diverse evidence in Cochrane Reviews: methods and tools to support integration of qualitative and quantitative evidence
Working with knowledge users to improve evidence-based medicine prescribing and use: key informant interviews and the process of developing an international training collaboration
Working with policy makers to maximise the utility of EGMs: experiences of Exeter Policy and Research Programme Evidence Review Facility
Working with stakeholders to identify evidence gaps: an example from autism
Working with the GRADEprofiler (GRADEpro)
Workings of the Australian Satellite of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group
Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work
Workshop for Cochrane Trials Search Co-ordinators (advanced)
Workshop for Cochrane Trials Search Co-ordinators (intermediate)
Workshop for journalists as a communication tool to disseminate Evidence-Based Health to the general public
Workshop for Managing Editors and Assistant Managing Editors
Workshop for Managing Editors and Assistant Managing Editors
Workshop for Managing Editors and Assistant Managing Editors
Workshop for Managing Editors and Assistant Managing Editors
Workshop for Managing Editors and Assistant Managing Editors (restricted)
World Health Organization mental health gap action programme (mhGAP) intervention guide: A review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries
Would a timely analysis of secondary outcomes have led to an earlier identification of effective stroke rehabilitation interventions?
Would evidence make a difference in people’s willingness to pay for and actual use of anti-hypertensive medication?
Writing a Cochrane Review update: getting started and challenges to overcome
Writing abstracts for Cochrane systematic reviews using newly-published guidance
Writing and commenting on Plain Language Summaries (PLSs) to improve quality
Writing Complex Search Strategies ***PARTICIPANTS: Please bring your laptops to this session
Writing evidence summaries for the general public: lessons learned from collaboration with Patient Partners
You can learn a lot from a DUMMY: Improving search strategies using the ‘diagnostic-based utility for mining MEDLINE’ (DUMMY)
You can't save lives unless there are people dying: implications of heterogeneity of control rates in clinical trials and meta-analyses
Young neurologists interested in Cochrane reviews need more basic knowledge in statistics and epidemiology
Your gateway to Chinese research
Youth evidence-based medicine camp: improving logic thinking for high school students
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