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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Heterogeneity in diagnostic-test accuracy Cochrane reviews
Heterogeneity in meta-analysis: misconceiving I²
Heterogeneity in search strategies among Cochrane acupuncture reviews
Heterogeneity in Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Studies
Heterogeneity in systematic reviews on spinal surgery: A meta-epidemiological study
Heterogeneity sample size correction factor for meta-analyses
Hidden conflicts of interests in meta-analyses of pharmacological treatments
Hidden voices: Towards participant-led research in gender-based violence
Hide and seek! Looking for studies included and (missing) links to other versions
Hierarchical network meta-analysis models accounting for variability in nodes by treatment, dosage-category and single dosage
High 5s project. Hospital survey on patient safety culture results from Germany
High dropout rates in trials included in Cochrane reviews
High First Dose Quinine for Treating Severe Malaria
High impact collaborations: Examples from the Cochrane HIV/AIDS group
High level evidence in oncology - just how many systematic reviews?
High proportion of high quality randomized clinical trials conducted by the NCI are negative or inconclusive
High quality data abstraction for systematic reviews: from form development to data exportation
High Quality Evidence in ENT - Where are the RCTs?
High risk cancer screening in workers exposed to asbestos. Application of evidence through partnerships in managing injured workers
High statistical heterogeneity is more frequent in meta-analysis of continuous than binary outcomes
High-level evidence of acupuncture analgesia published in PubMed-listed journals: A descriptive analysis
Higher-order asymptotics for random effects meta-analysis: an empirical evaluation
Highlights and challenges of co-creating evidence-based knowledge translation tools for parents about the COVID-19 pandemic
HIRA’s evidence supports rational decision making
Hitting the right target—disseminating Cochrane Review findings for greatest impact
HIV / AIDS and behaviour change - The impact of Soul City at an individual and broader community level of analysis.
HIV and progressive resistive exercise: a Cochrane Collaboration systematic review
HIV health promotion and men who have sex with men (MSM): a systematic review integrating "qualitative" studies and trials.
HIV/AIDS and oral candidiasis: what really works?
HIV/AIDS reviewer mentoring programme for South Asia
Home versus centre based physical activity programs in older adults
Hone your skills as consumer referees for Cochrane reviews
Hooked on evidence-based consumer health information: the experience of a new bi-lingual national website
Horizon scanning in multiple sclerosis decisions in Brazil
Host a Cochrane Associate Centre! The impact of Cochrane Madrid, much more than reviews
How ‘evidence-based’ is Wikipedia?
How ‘similar’ are studies included in Cochrane Reviews?
How a Cochrane Systematic Review Changed National and International Policy and Practice
How a systematic review and continued stakeholder engagement can lead to a theory of change relevant to the aid sector
How accessible is the Cochrane Library for health professionals with little or no previous knowledge of the site?
How accurate are abstracts and how can we Improve their accuracy?
How action helps to produce evidence: Factors influencing the production of systematic reviews conducted by the Cochrane HIV/AIDS group
How and when to pool data in meta-analyses to make the results clinically meaningful
How and where to search for secondary evidence on ‘upstream’ interventions for public health problems: a case study
How are guidelines on topics with little scientific evidence developed and how are decisions made?
How are policy-makers using the evidence? Models of research utilisation in theory and practice
How are qualitative methods being used alongside complex health service randomized controlled trials? A systematic review
How are realist reviews conducted? A systematic mapping review of realist reviews
How are stakeholders involved in systematic reviews? Findings from a systematic review of methods.
How are the topics of Cochrane reviews decided?
How big are the biases associated with non-randomised designs used in evaluations of healthcare interventions? An empirical investigation.
How blind are we?
How broad should you go? Searching for a public health intervention review
How can a framework for prospective, adaptive meta-analysis (FAME) improve the quality of Cochrane reviews?
How can consumer input be integrated into the systematic review process?
How can patient involvement promote systematic review development? Results of patient interview nested in a network meta-analysis
How can systematic reviews of randomised trials be used for assessment of cost-effectiveness of surfactant treatment for neonatal respiratory distress?
How can the impacts of dissemination bias in qualitative research be detected in the context of qualitative evidence syntheses? Identifying new approaches
How can we accurately diagnose schizophrenia? Challenges in performing Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy reviews in schizophrenia
How can we ensure that Cochrane’s standards and approaches to Plain Language Summaries are implemented? A discussion workshop
How can we improve the way we do systematic reviews?
How can we improve trials assessing the effectiveness of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for substance use? Methodological issues encountered during a systematic review
How can we make Cochrane Reviews more readable?
How can we make reporting of systematic reviews more valuable for users?
How can we spread the gospel if we cannot write it down? - more room for qualitative reviews
How Chinese resources contribute to Cochrane reviews
How clear and simple are for laypeople the Plain Language Summaries and abstracts in Spanish? A readability assessment of 2019 Cochrane Systematic Reviews
How Cochrane reviews can be used in a dissemination project: preliminary findings from the "PartecipaSalute" project in Italy
How complete are prostate cancer studies conducted in Germany as displayed in the national trial register of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (German Association of Urology)?
How comprehensive is the Epistemonikos database for identifying systematic reviews in health: a methodological study
How Comprehensive Is The MeSH Term "Breast Neoplasms"?
How conclusive are Cochrane neonatal reviews?
How connected is Academia? Using Social Network Analysis as a tool to map decision-maker engagement and policy influence
How could press releases about evidence increase the uptake of evidence concepts in media reporting? An exploratory study
How current are systematic reviews at the time of publication?
How detailed is the reporting of web searching to identify studies for inclusion in Cochrane Reviews?
How different are conference abstracts of surgical RCTs from the subsequent full publication?
How difficult is it to register a Cochrane title? An Iberoamerican authors' sample
How do authors investigate selective publication in diagnostic test accuracy reviews?
How do authors of Cochrane Overviews deal with conflicts of interest relating to their own systematic reviews?
How do authors of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews disseminate their findings after publication? A mixed methods study
How do authors respond to written requests for additional information?
How do cancer screening guidelines trade off benefits versus harms and burdens of screening: A systematic survey
How do characteristics, reporting methods and preparation times differ between systematic reviews with and without a published protocol?
How do clinicians decide on appropriate treatment when there is a lack of high level evidence?
How do Cochrane review authors interpret subgroup analyses?
How do Cochrane reviewers address adverse effects of drug therapy?
How do Cochrane reviewers handle sparse data in their systematic reviews?
How do Cochrane Reviews use information from trial registers? Findings from a cross-sectional audit
How do Cochrane reviews use information from trial registers? Findings from a cross-sectional audit
How do German guideline-based performance measures in oncology contribute to evidence-based, patient-centred care?
How do meta-analysts actually interpret metaanalyses?
How do physicians fill gaps in their medical knowledge? An overview of systematic reviews
How do systematic review users and producers interpret the stability of review findings based on GRADE quality of evidence ratings?
How do systematic reviews incorporate assessment of study quality into the synthesis of evidence? A methodological study
How do systematic reviews of insulin and drug therapies for diabetes deal with heterogeneity of results?
How do the search results of the Ichushi-Web influence systematic review? The case of rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs)
How do the study-based registers reduce waste in systematic reviewing?
How do we assess the impact of the CDSR: a protocol for discussion
How do we value psychological outcomes in systematic reviews?
How do you get the biggest bang for your (limited) buck in depression management? Making sense of complex cost effectiveness data using systematic reviews and the permutation matrix
How do you search comprehensively for randomized controlled trials in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that are published in Chinese?
How does low quality evidence shape state government health policy? A case study of hepatitis C treatment
How does meta-analysis handle studies with zero events in both arms: a systematic survey of Cochrane systematic reviews
How does the current Burden of Disease ranking (from the GBD project) compare to that of topics in Cochrane and Prospero’s SRs registered in the last 5 years by region?
How does the number and scatter of trials vary by discipline?
How does the quality of Cochrane systematic reviews compare with non-Cochrane systematic reviews in HIV prevention?
How editors of leading Chinese medical journals involving in Cochrane collaboration - Experience of Chinese cochrane center
How effective are Cochrane Clinical Answers at providing a clear response to the clinical questions posed?
How effective is teaching critical appraisal skills to healthcare professionals? A systematic review of the literature
How effects on health equity are assessed in systematic reviews of interventions: a Cochrane methodology systematic review
How efficient are published search filters for identifying prognosis research in systematic reviews: is there still room for improvement?
How empty are empty reviews? A report on empty reviews in the CDSR and an invitation to participate in the development of reporting guidelines
How EPPI-Reviewer can support production of your Cochrane Review
How evidence-based are clinical practice guidelines in anaesthesiology: the cases of preoperative care and difficult airway management
How evidence-based are Print- and Online Mass-Media in Austria? A quantitative analysis
How evidence-based are the pharmaceutical industry’s printed promotional material presented to physicians: a multinational study
How evidence-based are the pharmaceutical industryás printed promotional material presented to physicians in three Latin American countries
How evidence-based is online information for patients? Analysis of orthodontic websites for accuracy of content compared to systematic review findings
How far away for consumers in developing countries involving in the Collaboration?--- The experience of the consumer work in China
How Glaxo Wellcome contributes to the avoidance of publication bias
How global is our knowledge? Population diversity in observational studies on selenium and cancer risk
How good are the estimates of the hazard ratio When calculated indirectly? An empirical investigation
How handling of missing data impacts trial results: a meta-epidemiological study
How hard is to do an overview of Cochrane Reviews? Could CORE outcomes help?
How has increased local accountability in public health decision making changed how local evidence is used?
How has usage of full text Cochrane Reviews developed since 2011 and what are the factors that lead to an increase or decrease in usage?
How health equity characteristics were reported in Chinese clinical practice guidelines
How Important is the Size of a Reprint Order?
How is equity addressed in Cochrane reviews of lifestyle interventions for cardiovascular health?
How is Evidence Used in Pathology? Using Evidence Gap Maps to shine a light on existing practice and research needs.
How is information on adverse effects identified for systematic reviews? A survey of methods used from 1994 to 2005
How is quality analysis carried out for systematic reviews of nursing interventions?: umbrella review
How is the agreement between machine and humans? Use of RobotReviewer to evaluate the risk of bias of randomized trials
How is the networking around the world?
How is the timing of clinical trial registration related to clinical trial characteristics and risk of bias?
How long does it take to publish a high quality trial in oncology?
How low should you go? The impact of including cross-sectional study designs on guideline recommendations
How many adolescents are actually included in randomised trials primarily in adults with asthma? An analysis of recent trial reports
How many evidence based guidelines in China
How many false ‘RCTs’ were included in Cochrane systematic reviews of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
How many guidelines are developed by evidence-based methods in Korea? Evaluation of 54 guidelines developed by Korean specialty societies
How many guidelines of social medicine/preventive medicine/community medicine in China
How many journals adopt reporting guidance for RCTs, systematic reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines in 'Instructions for authors'? A cross-section survey from 150 medical journals
How many meta-analyses of surgery searched grey literature, is it helpful? A cross-sectional analysis of robot-assisted versus traditional surgery
How many more systematic reviews do we need - an estimation on the proportion of possible interventions covered by The Cochrane Library
How many negative studies included in meta-analysis in China
How many network meta-analyses were adopted by clinical practice guidelines? A cross-sectional survey
How many practice guidelines are based on systematic reviews: a cross-sectional study of WHO guidelines
How many randomized trials on the therapeutic interventions for a specific clinical condition are covered by Cochrane reviews?
How many redundant publications does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many reports you can trust? A cross-sectional study to characterize the quality of research reporting
How many reviews are using automation?A cross-sectional analysis
How many sample sizes are sufficient to support high-quality evidence - exemplified by a systematic review of iguratimod for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
How mental health experts and patient representatives contribute to the development of a first aid manual for mental health problems
How meta-analytical inferences in practice depend on the choice of between-trial variance estimator
How much attention was paid to patient-reported outcomes in randomized trials and meta-analyses of rectal cancer surgery?
How much confidence to put on health systems reviews?: a comparative assessment using AMSTAR-2 and ROBIS
How much do Cochrane editors and authors, and health care consumers accept the new reporting style?
How much published data is usable for meta-analysis in aetiological research?
How much study participant data is missing from our trials?
How often are ineffective interventions still used in clinical practice? A cross-sectional survey of 6272 clinicians in China
How often are patient-important outcomes represented in neonatal randomised controlled trials? An assessment of Cochrane neonatal reviews
How often do decision analyses of interventions agree with matching systematic reviews?
How often do positive conclusions drawn from meta-analyses remain substantiated if only data from randomised trials with adequate allocation concealment are considered?
How often does an individual trial agree with its corresponding meta-analysis? A meta-epidemiologic study
How often does unclear allocation concealment in randomised trials reflect inadequate reporting of adequate methods?
How often is a Cochrane review the best available evidence? Analysis of the more relevant clinical questions
How often is a Cochrane Review the best available evidence? Evidence map using Epistemonikos
How often should “living” systematic reviews be updated? A cross-sectional study
How pervasive are unit of analysis errors in cluster randomised trials: A review of diabetes quality improvement RCTs?
How policy makers and researchers disappoint each other: can systematic reviews avoid this history?
How precise are we when assessing imprecision?: an analysis of Cochrane systematic reviews published during 2019
How public agencies prioritize for systematic reviews: the UK experience
How rare are adverse drug effects? Assessing the frequency of harm effects of drug treatments for the management of sciatica in primary care
How recommendations from systematic reviews can be used to best inform practice - three examples from the field of transfusion medicine
How relevant is the choice of the outcome in meta-analyses using relative risk as summary statistic?
How reviewers handle heterogeneity
How should clinicians and policy makers implement case management for depression? Using meta-regression to open up the black box of a complex intervention
How should we handle predatory journals in evidence synthesis?
How Should We Interpret Updated Meta-analyses?
How systematic are reviews of health economics?
How systematic reviews of prevalence conduct meta-analysis?
How systematic reviews/Cochrane reviews can inform guideline development and change practice
How the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon supports Open Synthesis and the efficient and rigorous production of systematic reviews
How the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon supports the efficient and rigorous production of systematic reviews
How the Shenzhen government could become a pioneer in rapid-learning health system
How to access RCTs in Japan through network access from abroad
How to addressing equity in guidelines: a review
How to apply the new guidance for plain language summaries for Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews to an example review
How to appraise Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis in diagnostic and prognostic risk prediction research
How to ask an answerable question for health care and health research: For consumers
How to assess the evidence when a statistical synthesis is not possible
How to assess the overall quality of guidelines using the AGREE instrument
How to assess the scientific integrity of the work of one author or author group?
How to author, publish and dynamically update digital and trustworthy evidence summaries, recommendations and decision aids through MAGICapp
How to author, publish, and dynamically update digital and trustworthy living evidence summaries, guidelines, and decision aids using MAGICapp
How to avoid retraction of systematic reviews? a cross-sectional study
How to Bring the Evidence to the Consumer?
How to build evidence network of interventional studies?
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